Feeding & Swallowing Disorders

Food and eating are not just essential aspects of life; they are also critical components of socialization.

Sharing a meal with friends, family or colleagues is a universal experience that has the power to bring people together and create meaningful connections.

However, for people who have difficulty eating and/or swallowing, enjoying food and participating in the social experiences can be a daunting challenge. Our team of highly skilled professionals are trained to provide therapy to individuals who struggle with swallowing disorders from infancy through adulthood.

Through personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s unique needs, patients can learn strategies to restore their ability to eat, allowing them to reclaim the life gift of food and all of its social benefits while regaining confidence, independence, and quality of life.

Infants and Children

  • Bottle feeding
  • Transitioning to solids
  • Chewing and swallowing disorders (low tone, weakness, reduced motor coordination, coughing or choking while eating and/or drinking)
  • Limited Food Inventory (food selectivity, sensory aversions, eating across textures and nutritional groups)

Adolescents and Adults

  • Restoring chewing or oral efficiency after illness, surgery or injury
  • Swallowing disorders (coughing, choking, food sticking, pain when swallowing or unable to swallow)
  • Aspiration pneumonia
  • Restricted diet, limited intake of food and drinks, weight loss related to swallowing difficulties